재밌어야 한다는 부분은 제가 놓친 부분입니다.
동영상을 편집하여 제작한다면 시작과 끝에 주제와 요점정리 등을 넣어주어야겠습니다.
<좋은 교육용 동영상 고르는 방법>
• Does the video identify a clear topic to be discussed, a question to be answered or an objective to be reached?
• Is the content accurate?
• Who’s producing (and possibly starring) in the video?
• Is there a balance between educational content and entertainment?
• Does the media used in the video add to or detract from the content?
• Is there a wrap-up, summary or short conclusion?
0. 출처 : http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/files/2013/03/MindShift-Guide-to-Videos.pdf
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